Rice Koji 1bs


6 in stock



Rice Koji made with organic California rice.

Handmade Miso, Mirin (Sweet wine), Probiotic Amazake, Sake brewing, Soy sauce, Salted Koji (Shio-Koji), Soy sauce Koji (Syoyu-koji), etc…

KOJI has lots of enzymes and breaks down proteins and starch into sugar and amino acids.
It contains the enzyme amylase, lipase, and protease. Koji extracts natural sweetness and tenderizes ingredients.

Would you like to make your own recipe using KOJI?
Increased in umami taste. Many famous restaurants are using koji. They have as a secret recipe.

Our KOJI is made with organic rice and aspergillus oryzae spore. Dehydrated to prevent spoilage and for long-term storage for shipment. Dried and Vacuum packed. (Shelf life 3 month)


Additional information

Weight 1.5 lbs


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